Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

"Common Golf Knowledge" Might Be Ruining Your Golf Game

Common Knowledge just might be hindering you from improving your swing, causing you major frustration and higher scores.

There is a lot of well meaning golf instruction in the market place today that simply will not help your game; in fact a lot of what's out there will hinder you as you try to improve your golf.

The focus of my new site, (www.GolfMyths.com), is simply to identify this mis-information and to let players know, not only what the myths are, but why these myths are not true and how they do damage to your golf game.

Controversial? Probably, but I think the positives of the information I am putting out at GolfMyths.com will far outweigh any industry fall-out that I might receive from those instructors with stepped-on toes.

When David Ledbetter or any other of a host of well-meaning golf instruction gurus tells his touring professional student to "delay the rotation of the left hip", or to "increase the width of your swing at the top", "or to "delay the release as long as possible", or any other "flavor of the day" type golf tips, he or she is talking with someone who is a professional, who practices hours on end, and who has an unbelievably acute feel for his or her own golf swing. This person also plays golf for a living. This is a completely different scenario than trying to teach a low, mid, or high handicap player or a beginner. These types of tips can absolutely wreak havoc on your golf swing and you can visit www.GolfMyths.com, and I'll tell you exactly why.

Golf is a difficult game to play at the highest levels, but, having said that, it is not a complicated game to play. Most modern day instruction is hard for me to understand and I've been teaching the game for 20 years. Having said that, in order to excel, you have to free your mind of complicated mechanical thoughts and learn to simply swing the golf club.

Until you change the way you think about playing the game, change the fundamental way you look at golf instruction, and realize that you have to forget mechanics, you'll never play up to your full potential as a golfer.

"Forget mechanics", you ask, "why that's all I think about." I can hear your mind racing now; "Start the club back online, turn don't sway, pull down with the left hand to start the down swing, transfer my weight to my left foot, roll my wrists at impact, head behind the ball." YIKES! How can you even take the club back with all these mechanical thoughts you've picked up over the years racing through your head?"

The answer to my question is ....you can't! You simply cannot swing the club effectively with all that garbage running through your mind, distracting you from what's most important.

It’s sad, but absolutely true that thousands of people quit the game we all love every year, most out of sheer frustration.

If you have fallen into this trap of believing that mechanical tips, swing analysis, and pounding golf ball after golf ball on the driving range are the answers to your problems, you are destined to be frustrated forever.

Golf should be fun not frustrating and when you learn to forget mechanics and start playing the game via feel and sight, it will be fun and you'll shoot better scores. I guarantee it!

"How do I do that", you ask?

First you have to be able to differentiate fact from fiction and that's what I'm going to help you do at www.GolfMyths.com.

Next, you have to forget all the theories, mechanical thoughts, and myths and focus on what is important to your game.

That's right, I said your game, not Tiger's, not Phil's, not Big John's but yours. Focus on the things that are important for you to play better. Focus on your swing path and the moment of truth..Impact. Tie swing path and impact into your target and you're well on your way to longer, straighter shots, and lower scores.

I have just released a brand new 30 minute instructional video that focuses solely on teaching you how to quickly and easily fix the path of your swing and square the face of the club to the intended target-line at impact. If you truly want to take your full swing to the next level and beyond...Visit me now at:


or if you prefer a complete tutorial that covers every aspect of your game, visit me here..


by: Ben Throckmorton

About The Author

Ben Throckmorton is a 20 year veteran of golf instruction. He is the author of the very successful "How To Break 90 in 3 Easy Lessons" golf training series and also the author of the newly released "The Golf Swing Secret.

Ben's groundbreaking multi-media series have helped golfers around the world in their quest to shoot lower scores.

Check out the "How to Break 90 in 3 Easy Lessons" system at

http://www.EasyGolfInstruction.com and also "The Golf Swing Secret" at

http://www.TheGolfSwingSecret.com now to see how Ben can help you get your game on the fast track to lower scores.

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