Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Share Your Knowledge! Write It And They Will Come!

Are you looking for more visitors to your site? Of course you are!!! There are so many ways to promote your business. These days it's hard to decide which methods are best for your business. One thing that holds true to all sites is to write about what your most pationate about! No i'm not talking about writing a sales copy, those articles probably will never be published!

I'm saying that you write about what you do best. See, we all do a couple things in life really good! I'm sure you are really good at what you do and you have learned from experience what is effective and in-effective for your product or service.

So many marketing firms do this, why don't you???

It's a known fact that marketing firms usually become professionals at writing online copy. Like so many, they understand that by writing many articles on marketing, they become the professional in the readers eyes! By becoming the professional in your readers eye, they may think highly of you and will want to visit your site to read more and more...

Let's say for instance your business is "Gidjet x" and you know that there is a site out there that would benefit from having your product listed. Well this site just happens to have a newsletter that sends out a copy every month!

What you want to do is write a helpful tip that you feel the readers of this newsletter will greatly benefit. Once you have writen your article, send an e-mail to the webmaster of the site explaining that you wrote an article that you feel their reader's will greatly appreciate reading. All that you have to ask is that your "Author Information" remain within the article, just like the one I have at the bottom of this article!

What should I include in the article? Well honestly, anything but an advertisement!

Where can I add my article???

Here are a number of sites that I found that will accept your article for free!

Yahoo Related:

As you can see, that's a great list for you to get started! What I suggest is that you create a folder in your browser favorites that is deticated to these sites. Everytime you have a new article writen, just simply re-visit these sites and submit your article.

Do you have other sites that will allow submissions?

If you feel I should add some sites to this list please visit my site and contact me!

About The Author

Martin R. Lemieux
Smartads Information Centre
Canadian Entrepreneur Advertising Resource & Research!
Read over 200 articles on advertising!

You may use this article on your site as is but you MUST send me a note Thank You!

Why You Should Acquire Specialised Knowledge When Applying For Jobs

Autor: adamleesaunders

To be successful in any chosen career or objective you require a specialized knowledge of the relevant subject. To have an all round good general knowledge is great but it does not necessarily mean you can reach your potential in your chosen profession. To get the best out of yourself your knowledge needs to be specific to a certain field or niche and needs to be supported by a definite plan that is focused on achieving certain goals.

A problem with the education system today is that it does not prepare people for the nine to five work life.. The youth today spend much of their time studying to buy themselves time and avoid making the important decisions regarding their future. Too many think that by going to university they will just fall into the career path that is right for them. However, a large proportion will find it difficult to get any job even ones that are not related to the subject they studied. Many of the jobs they apply for are filled by people straight out of school who have been taught quickly in a company acquiring the necessary specialized knowledge.

Going to university is all well and good as long as you are sure or somewhere close to knowing what it is you want to do after graduating. Equally, if you feel you can get the specialise knowledge elsewhere for your chosen job then you need not feel inferior to people that have acquired further education when applying. The company will choose who they feel is suitable for a position based on experience, not just schooling, but also personality and the effort you have made to do your own research on the company and the position. To gain that valuable experience or specialised knowledge before an interview you need to decide where you will get it.

Firstly you need to know exactly what kind of specialised knowledge you need to get you into the relevant profession. Then you must find out where the best sources are for the information you require. Analyse yourself and your present situation to find out how much time you need and whether you are prepared to obtain a qualification in the subject or maybe do evening courses whilst you are working or, if this is too much commitment, research yourself in local libraries and on the internet.

Whichever way you choose to gain the knowledge you must be sure that it is all relevant to the job you are aiming for and you need to be organised and dedicated to learning. Many modern businesses require people with more and more specific skills and knowledge and so taking course that is too generalised and that does not concentrate on any specialist subject in depth could result in failure. If you do take a course and find early on that it is not going to benefit you as much as you initially thought then do not hesitate to change courses. Wasting money is less important than wasting your time and effort on learning irrelevant information.

One major weakness in young people to today is a lack of ambition. The people that put in the extra effort to learn about a job before applying it are the ones who are more likely to have success. To build on that success and climb the career ladder a person needs to have a desire to do well in that job and not just settle for the first position they get. This means that by continually increasing your intake of specialised knowledge you are more likely to stand out in a company and be rewarded with promotions and pay rises.

Surveys have showed that on average people change their profession about five times during their lives. Many people get made redundant due to circumstances beyond their control whilst others may just find they need to do something different. The important thing to remember when changing jobs is that it is never too late to go and acquire the specialised knowledge needed for a different role. Alternatively if you have made the effort to gain the knowledge before then it may stand you in good stead for a similar position to the one you are leaving. Your success depends on your commitment to learning the relevant skills and knowledge and the enthusiasm you show to do a job well.

Source: Free Articles

Knowledge is Power ... So, Keep Your Mouth Closed To Keep It From Getting Away!

Did you ever wonder why it sometimes seems that communications is lacking within an organization or corporate culture? It is one of those frustrating situations that appear to put a halt to positive productivity. You meander around trying to gather hacked information that you feel is important, yet the one person that should know the whole story "doesn't know a thing." Then, at the last minute, the entire world shifts, and the one person that "didn't know" comes out of the shadows and becomes the hero because they knew the answer.

One of the reasons for such lack of information is "power." It is the ability to hold something back from someone and use that hidden knowledge to perform an action or create an imbalance to accomplish a task. If someone knows something and doesn't tell you the whole story, two of the more common reasons are: Need to Know and Power Plays.

---Need to Know---

With each individual corporate entity comes a corporate vision and a mission. The visions of Corporate America are to make money, survive, and advance technology, healthcare, etc. This vision and mission then trickles down the ranks of the individual corporations and is pieced out and delegated to each subordinate level. Each individual person contributes by becoming involved in one or more of these visions. In most cases, one person won't know the "big picture"; however, they do know that their piece of the pie will help to move the company toward it ultimate vision.

The job of a manager is to take a piece of this overall corporate vision and mission and develop a vision for his group and a mission for his subordinates. This manager breaks his part of the mission into feasible projects that, upon completion, bring the department, group, and company closer to its vision. The only person that usually knows the whole picture is your manager. Above him, only his manager knows the whole picture for his subordinate managers. This, until it ripples back up to the macro-vision of Corporate America.

All of this, just to explain a simple idea? But, it is essential to know why you're rarely given a larger picture of the piece that you happen to be working on. Three of the more important reasons are security, control, and focus.

* Security: If you know the whole picture, then you could potentially take off and do the same thing somewhere else. By only knowing a small piece of the whole puzzle, the company is less concerned that you would jeopardize their market advantage.

* Control: If you know the whole picture, then why would you need a manager? Somewhere in there, a manager must exist to ensure that everything that his subordinates are doing is directed toward a particular objective. Things have to get done and pieces have to fit together. In the middle, your manager knows everything that is important to your group and department and is able to control the individuals in the group by being the central point of contact for information.

* Focus: By knowing too much, managers are concerned that you might lose focus on your own piece of the puzzle. I've seen subordinates who knew everything about everything and they were so busy critiquing and mingling in worlds not pertaining to their work that they never completed anything that was assigned to them. It is essential to maintain focus on your specific objectives to complete your part of your group's mission successfully.

--- Power Plays ---

Power comes from the approach that your peer or superior will not provide a piece of information that is important to you or your job. In this way, it seems that they can use that lack of information to prod you into either looking for yourself or use it to maintain a submissive stance on your part such that "they have all the answers." In this situation, acknowledge that your manager or peer does have all the answers and allow them the opportunity to "impart some of their knowledge" upon you. In this manner, they are able to exert their power while you are able to pick the necessary information out of their ramblings.

Another reason for this approach is to create an imbalance to move a situation in a specified direction. By not providing a piece of information, the manager is creating a vacuum that you must fill. You can accomplish this by examining the missing information and defining or locating the missing piece. Another term for this approach is "delegation."

Realize also that it is not the manager's job to have all of the answers. They are in their position to determine and direct. You are there to define and resolve to achieve the necessary results. In most cases, whether you realize it or not, you are the one with the answers!

--- Peer Power ---

With regard to peers, an individual will sometimes provide disinformation, or lack of information, so that they can act on the information, as opposed to telling others and end up losing their footing, or power, because someone else acted on the information. In this case, you have two options. You can compliment them and allow them the opportunity to exert their power as you extract the information you need from their knowledge. Alternatively, you can find your own answers by searching for the answer through research, the gossip tree, or by asking other peers or your manager. In some cases, your manager will usually refer you back to the one who won't talk since they have "all the answers."

Don't get frustrated in this situation as your peers are working toward objectives just as you. Simply go back to that peer and confront them for the information you need. However, verify the information before you use it, as it could very well be misleading.

---What's next? ---

It is important to realize that, in most cases, the reason for lack of communications is not a personal issue against you. It is a professional issue used to obtain and maintain power and control. If you can learn how to manage yourself and your work within the confines of a given "information play," then you can conquer one of most confusing conundrums of the corporate culture.

Lack of information doesn't necessarily mean "lack of information." It usually means something else. Perhaps someone is about to be fired, a change is in the offing, an imbalance for forward motion is created, or perhaps there is a turf issue playing. Realize that if you feel that you have little information, look around and see what else is going on around you. You just may have more information available to you than you would want to know.

If you don't know the big picture now, prove that you can first handle the smaller pieces and then, as your prove your ability to handle the responsibility, you will eventually be privy to a larger view. At that point, you will be the one with the "power of knowledge."

by: Edward B. Toupin

About The Author

Edward B. Toupin is an author, life-strategy coach, counselor, and technical writer living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors books and articles on topics ranging from career success through life organization and fulfillment. For more information, e-mail Edward at or visit his sites at or

Consulting As A Business

Autor: moneybunny

Business Consulting is an excellent work-at-home business. It offers the benefits of low start-up cost, ease of entry, high income potential, home-based and operated world-wide, potential for residual income and recurring and/or passive income.

If you have some knowledge and expertise in your field, many who lack your knowledge and skills would gladly pay for your services. The big money comes from performing services for businesses instead of individuals.

Today, information is King, especially on the Net.

"How-To" e-books, tutorials, software, newsletters and information are the hottest sellers on the Net and are the easiest type businesses to run.

If you can do something better than others, you can market it. Examples: graphic design, web site building, SEO, writing, research, and translation are all great ideas for selling your consulting skills.

If you have any knowledge or experience on a subject that most people are clueless about AND they are willing to pay for it, then you've got a winner. Write it, sell it, license it, publish it, grow it into a bigger product - with a consistent and smart marketing plan, the sky is the limit.

Source: Free Articles

Leveraging The Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Base

Autor: tjacowski

The surety and effectiveness of a Six Sigma project relies heavily on leveraging the enterprise-wide knowledge of the project implementation team. Hoping for the best could hardly have any meaning, provided the team lacks overall knowledge of the goals, customs, and the treasury of knowledge and practices of the overall organization in specific and cross-sector knowledge in general. It is crucial for the project implementation team to know alternative practices and strategies available within the organization, and current status of the project.

Leveraging the Existing Knowledge Base In Six Sigma

The knowledge levels expand as per the following in an enterprise:

1. The HOW and WHY of process flow, the implementation goals and the change management strategies

2. Knowledge about the enterprise including the goals and the current juxtaposition, alternatives, etc.

But it is easily noticeable that the availability of ready information on both is chronically lacking. The way to move ahead in situations such as this can be with the trusted tools of knowledge sharing such as brainstorming, innovation and organizing ideas which help get ideas out of the box.

At the core, Six Sigma isn't self-sufficient and it somehow inexplicably still remains in a rut that it is enough to be experienced about problem solving whenever one is encountered. So, as a logical consequence, it cultivates habits which draw lines between tool-specific knowledge and overall knowledge which leads to lost opportunities due to lack of initiatives for innovations and broader perspectives.

Valuable Areas For Knowledge Beyond The Project

Enterprise-wide knowledge is quite capable of an all around contribution to the overall cause of the Six Sigma implementation. Tackling a multi-faceted problem with problem-specific specialization is futile and will blunt the effectiveness of the project team.

Take a look at DMAIC again; in the measurement stage, selecting the right metric is only half the job. But knowledge that tells you how to simplify and foolproof it; and in the control stage questioning things rationally: how could anything be sound? Why couldn't there be mistakes, how can measurement and control processes be automated for best of implementation, etc.

Opportunities for Leveraging Enterprise Wide Knowledge

Take the 2 instances that are extremely effective ways of bringing knowledge to surface.

1. Retrospect- Looking back to review as to the gains of pilot project or an actual project and the reports of a review committee. Retrospect helps to gain insight into the reasons of success or failures.

2. Action Reviews- This is a fact-finding exercise which focuses on the slippage between two parameters, such as what has happened and what was planned.

Accessing enterprise knowledge can't be possible just by forceful ownership. Use of congenial and facilitation techniques must be resorted to, to bring out cross-departmental knowledge. Some other techniques to bring such knowledge to the surface are below:

1. Peer Assist programs by face to face interactions
2. Evaluating contextual relations between projects
3. Final, stage-specific, project documentation

Source: Free Articles

Blogs Like All Forms Of Writing Are An Art Form That Takes Knowledge And Practice To Do Well

Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read. This process has not been around very long, to use one of my writing teacher’s favorite sayings, “Writing has only existed for one day in the one year that humanity has existed.” Speaking and thinking come much easier than writing. These processes just flow out naturally like a river of consciousness; sometimes we hardly have to think about doing them. Anyone and everyone can write words down on paper but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘good writing’, myself included. Like most things in life, our society already takes writing for granted which is proving to expose more of our ignorance. Writing is a new form of expression, and if we want to do it in a way that the masses can connect with our ideas, we have to think much more simply and clearly about this art.

Now that was quite a big paragraph, you’ve got to wonder if I really needed to say as much as I just did to introduce this article on the best way to write your blogs on the Web. I didn’t even mention this main idea, and that’s what an introduction paragraph is meant to be for. This is a common mistake in many blogs out there. We try to get too many ideas across in one paragraph, sometimes even in one sentence! The key, as in all things in life-is to keep it simple. Simplicity means that readers won’t get confused about what your journal entry is actually about. Introduce your main general topic at the start, and use the subsequent paragraphs to discuss separate ideas that relate to this topic. Try to tie everything up in the concluding paragraph, your main argument and the reason why you’ve written in the first place.

Grammar and sentence construction are not easy systems to master, especially if you come from a school system that spent more time telling you about historical battles and quadratic equations than on how to read and write. This is a real problem. When we speak we can get messages across to others easily, but if we put these words down on paper, the writing just isn’t interesting and doesn’t connect with people’s curiosities and fascination. When you write you are not talking to a close friend. You can’t use slang and colloquialisms that only your local community can understand. The aim is to connect with all the people in the world, so let’s make it crystal clear and enjoyable to read.

Your computer has spelling and grammar checks, as well as access to a thesaurus. Use them, but remember that the machine can’t decipher all the intricacies of language. Language is a world in itself, and much of its territories are undiscovered by the masses. So, again keep it simple. Short, precise sentences with single ideas are great. Many words in the English language have the same meanings (synonyms). Use the thesaurus so you don’t repeat the same word over and over throughout the text. It keeps the story fresh and doesn’t turn the reader off. There’s nothing more boring than repetition. Using different words can be a lot of fun and a learning experience, just make sure you use a dictionary (also on the computer/Internet) to make absolute sure of the word’s definition.

Readability…Simplicity…Make your blog accessible by all people. You can even take into consideration that many readers will have learned English as a second language. As I’ve said in previous articles, keep to the point-don’t go on tangents. Stick with the article’s topic, and definitely stay within the realms of your blog’s main area. If your blog is entitled “Jazz music”, people who go there don’t want to hear about how your football team won on the weekend! Please be consistent. How irritating is it to visit a blog that hasn’t been written on in months or years?

I hope these little tips will help you on your quest to producing ‘good’ writing that brings new friends and acquaintances of similar outlooks into your world. If you want people to read, the aim is to produce an emotional reaction in your reader. Pretend you are writing to another form of yourself, if it were not readable, interesting and fun…would you stick around?

About The Author

By Jesse S. Somer

Jesse S. Somer is a ‘grasshopper’ writer attempting to inform other beginner writers on how they might one day become masters or ‘sensei’s’.

Do We Have The Knowledge God Desires of Us?

What is the knowledge which God desires of us? It obviously has much to do with faith. Through faith we must have knowledge of what God wants from us, how he works, what God is and what God does and does not do.

Having The Knowledge Of God
Having knowledge of God is one thing; having the knowledge of God implies that we can go much further. If we conform out lives to what we know, then knowledge of God must bring us closer to him, to deeper lives in God. But knowledge is an integral part of God: what he knows and is. Our objective must then be to know what God knows, for that is an indispensable part of growing in him. And only faith can bring that into being in our lives.

Adding knowledge to faith directs faith by that knowledge, makes it more productive, conforms faith to God’s desires. Thus

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55.8:NIV)

Knowledge brings us into the depths of God: his ways, his purposes. Knowledge is power because it directs our efforts into securing God’s will.

Knowledge includes “knowing the mind of God” — understanding what he desires of us, what he wants of us in specific situations.

It is coming to what is really an instinctive understanding of what his specific will is in every aspect and area of our lives, so that we follow his will almost automatically. That instinct can only come from knowledge.

For example, we know that theft is wrong, so we don’t steal. We need to have the same knowledge in all we do or don’t do — not just in matters which are sinful, but simply in every action, even every thought, knowing that God approves/disapproves of this or that.

If we have knowledge, we “know.” This interpretation of “know” is not merely “knowing in principle” but knowing in depth, with understanding and full appreciation. Do we “know” God’s love for us, as a reality rather than as a mere principle we have been taught? If not, how can we really know what he will/will not do for us?

Do we “know” his love for others? If not ...

Do we “know” the extent of God’s power? That it has no extent? If not we are always constrained in perimeters and parameters of faith — there should be no perimeters nor parameters to faith because these always have finite values and therefore impose limits on us, on our expectations. Did Elijah have any on Mt. Carmel when he looked for the rain clouds? (1 Kings 18. 42 - 45)

Other Dimensions Of Knowledge
Knowledge also includes knowing the interconnections between those other qualities in 2 Peter 1. 5 - 7 e.g. How is faith supplemented with effort? How is effort supplemented with knowledge? etc.

So knowledge embraces the interconnections between those factors which contribute to the development of our spirituality e.g. all religious orders have “a rule”. We don’t. Or do we?
-”the rule” is a series of recommendations for ensuring continued spiritual growth.

Some people don’t like “rules of any kind. They equate rules with institutionalism, which is not the same. “Rules” are adopted by those who “know” that unregulated human behaviour is like an untrained horse or dog: erratic, uncontrolled, undisciplined and unlikely to achieve anything.

Knowledge, and acquiring knowledge, requires discipline. All areas of study, for example, are called “disciplines” and they all have their own “rules” for developing their particular area of knowledge. If, as Christians, we are disciples, then we are disciplined.

Autor: akw

Source: Free Articles

Intellectual Information Management and Knowledge Management

There is so much information that is transmitted within a company on a daily basis that there needs to be some type of system in place to manage all this information. Knowledge management also deals with the intellectual information that is found from a multitude of resources both on the Internet, using the virtual library, and in paper form, such as white papers. This knowledge base is important for companies so that they maintain a competitive edge over the competition. Once this knowledge has been collected it doesn't just sit there waiting for random usage, it's shared and distributed throughout the company so that is becomes useful to employees. Many times employees will ignore a piece of data by thinking that is has nothing to do their department or their job. This is where it's vital that a company analyze the knowledge that is incorporated into its folds though a system of knowledge management. Once this knowledge has been analyzed it is available for use by anyone with company access.

Knowledge is also available to a company in the form of news articles, journals, relevant publications, and documentation. Many times this knowledge is crucial in the successful running of the company. Without many types of knowledge such as statistics, reports, white papers, and specific industry information many companies would lose out on a serious advantage that can push them over the top when it comes to their competition. Knowledge management is a great tool that any company can implement and that will increase their success and profit potential.

There are many knowledge management tools that are available for companies to use. Knowledge management software will help a company to organize and collate the information that is relevant to the interests of the company. Once all this information is stored in one database it becomes a great tool for all employees to use.

Source: Free Articles

Knowledge Or Action

It's been said that knowledge is power. While that's true to an extent, it isn't the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless. It doesn't help to be a genius if you never do anything with the knowledge. I tend to think of knowledge as ammunition and action as a gun. (It's a typical guy thought, I know but it works for me.) Think about it. If you have bullets and no gun, they're pretty much useless. If you have a gun and no bullets, the best you can do is throw (action) the gun at the target. Not as useless as the bullets (knowledge) since action without knowledge is more productive than knowledge without action

The reason I've been thinking about this lately is that I've been reading article after article about how to make money, get high search engine ranking, find customers & prospects, motivate myself and others and several other subjects and realized that regardless of how much info I've gained, it's worthless if I don't act on the knowledge. And it's the same for everyone. It wouldn't matter if you had a PhD in Quantum Physics if you worked at McDonalds, or a library full of books and never used the knowledge within, now would it? I've met some really intelligent homeless people and some stupid millionaires and the biggest difference is action. Let me say this again, ACTION. Action makes people successful to a certain degree. Not to say that any action will make people successful. Jumping up and down or changing channels will not do it, but action of any kind that propels you toward your target goal will get you they eventually.

Another way to think of it is like having a map. I could give you a map to a lost treasure, but if you never left your house, it wouldn't do much good would it?

So here's a question; what action will you do today, to reach your goal? Reading a book will only take you so far.

Source: Free Articles

Senin, 26 Mei 2008

ACTION is More Important than Knowledge!

It was Albert Einstein who stated that 'imagination is more important than knowledge'. Now if he had been addressing a room full of entrepreneurs, I hazard a guess that he might also have extended this quotation by saying that 'action is more important than knowledge too!'

Make no mistake, if you want to make your mark on this world as an entrepreneur you have to consistently take ACTION! Not only that, you will also need to have the ability to inspire other people into ACTION as well.

Learn by taking ACTION!

In our modern society we gravely underestimate the value and importance of experiential learning. We have become conditioned to mistake qualifications for competence.

As an entrepreneur, most of your learning will come from experience generated through taking ACTION. There is no text book, no seminar and no guru that can replace the value of you having an idea and taking ACTION on it.

Don't let a lack of knowledge stop you from taking ACTION!

Often what holds us back from even trying is our perceived lack of knowledge. Word's to the effect of 'I can't set up a business because I didn't finished high school' or 'I can't start a business until I've got my MBA'.

If you have spent any time at all studying entrepreneurs you will find a lot of them don't actually have university degrees. Often it is this simple fact that motivates them into pursuing the entrepreneurial path!

Continually Self Correct!

When you take the experiential approach to learning and developing your business, you need to be highly attuned to the feedback you receive from your operating environment. Be highly sensitive to feedback from your customers and clients. Establish mechanisms to monitor the results that you are achieving. Once these are in place, continually put pressure on yourself and your organisation to continually lift your standards of performance.

When you operate in this way you will not fear making mistakes as there are no mistakes only feedback.

Know what you don't know!

I heard a very successful (and to the point!) Australian trucking magnate asked the question "What kind of knowledge does it take to be successful in business?". He responded by saying that "If you know that you don't know, you'll be OK. But if you don't know, that you don't know, you're stuffed!"

As an entrepreneur, if you know you don't know something you can always ask someone who does. Remember that you do not have to know everything! Build up an awareness of the things that you don't know. Then surround yourself with people that can answer all questions you can't answer yourself.

What is the most important thing to know before you start a business?

The most important thing you need to know before you start a business is clear understanding of the special gifts that have to offer this world.

Once you have this awareness, ask yourself 'how can I share my gifts in a way that not only creates a better world for others but also enables me to live an extraordinary abundance filled life?'

Once you have that simply awareness…. you've guessed it… you're ready to get out there and start taking ACTION!

If you are then prepared to stand up every time you fall down you will magically begin to see your ideas manifest in the world.

Copyright Damien Senn 2005. All rights reserved.

About The Author

Damien Senn helps entrepreneurs create compelling businesses. He is one of the UK's top Business Coaches as well as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant.

Damien is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'.

For your FREE download '101 things to do before you die' please click the following link:

by: Damien Senn

Knowledge Is Business

“Knowledge is the business fully as much as customer is the business. Physical goods or services are only the vehicle for the exchange of customer purchasing power against business knowledge”.

Above statement was made by Peter F. Drucker, a prominent Management and marketing guru.

Any economic result is the result of differentiation. What is that niche you posses that make you hot property in any market. It comes from knowledge. Knowledge is held by organization people. One day all labour can be automated by machines. But knowledge specifically is a human asset. If you have knowledgeable people you can target the sky. Books are more collection of information. Internet is one of the best medium for generating information on particular subject. But information is not a business.

Knowledge itself is not a business when used inside. When it do not produce value to the holder of knowledge, it is useless. It becomes business when applied outside of a business, to the customer, market and end-uses.

Mittal steel is king of steel market today. It posses a peculiar knowledge of converting non- performing public business and factory into highly profitable steel producing entity. It has done this numerous times Laxmi Mittal, Chairman and managing director, and his people do not change much in the plants. According to Aditya Mittal, CFO, and son of Laxmi Mittal, they apply their knowledge and past experience to turn thing around, Mittal steel turned their early acquisition around in 18 months. But now they have refined their knowledge and make any plant they capture profit producer within 6 months. That’s where I say business is knowledge and knowledge is business.

Looking at GE, they have an uncanny ability to mark a new opportunity and jump into it in a big way. GE is one of the leader and rare gem in America to dominate the whole 20th century. None have done that. They posses best of best talent in the market. But still there is no example of a business which they have acquired and which is the leader in its market. They messed up with RCA, and their finance acquisition. Yet they are king with GE capital, a blue eye child of GE.

So what make an organization successful in a specific area, while a distant runner in other area? Assets and money could be acquired but it is the knowledge which turns that asset into real business.

That why an old edge say. Give me 10 knowledgeable people and I will conquer the world.

About The Author

This article may be re-printed as long as following resource box is included as it is with out any alteration.

Article by Arvind Kumar. Arvind Kumar is one of prominent writer and consultant on Marketing and Management. You can reach him at For more on Gorilla Marketing Strategy and planning visit

by: Arvind Kumar

No Knowledge No College GOODBYE Career

Wondering what to give the children for Christmas, wondering what gives joy, wondering how to educate/occupy and provide fun at the same time. Well stop wondering because we now have the eighth wonder of the world, and that is the Internet.

The best ever present that you could give to your child is the opportunity to further their education. We all know how the biggest majority of our kids hate school and teachers. How do you expect your child to learn when in a rebellious stage between the hours of 9am to 3pm? Yes you got it one, school time.

Let us go back to our schooldays, how much did you learn on subjects that did not interest you? If it had been a topic you enjoyed then it was a hop skip and jump through the corridor to that class. You don't see our kids doing this today.

It is only right that children should be given the chance to choose what subject it is that they would like further education on. If this course of action was put to use then expect more pass results.

Let's say your child loves science and his/her typical Monday studies consist of 6 hours of Maths, English, Religious education and 1 hour of Science

So if he/she is looking for a career in the scientific world what chance do they have of achieving this?

Studying for six hours on subjects that are of know interest you will always have failed exams. If the education system was to take into account the child's feeling and give him/her 3 hours of the taboo subjects as they see them and 3 hours of science then you have one happy pupil with a ticket on the road to success.

With online education the odds are in your child's favour to excel because they now have control of their own destiny. Online education is a difficult gift to tinsel up but the sparkle in child's eye is enough glitter on Christmas morning when presented with a computer.

Thanks will allways come later in life when the kids have grown up.

By doing this mum/dad you have just given your child a lifeline to surviving in the 21st century.

Great prospects wait for those with a good educational upbringing but sadly the ones without may find themselves standing alongside Worzel Gummidge in fields of green. The grass is always greener on the other side with the help of a little knowledge.

The internet is a place where from toddler years upwards to pension age where learning is made so easy. Online education offers so much and is the only way forward.

The internet is teacher tutor listener a friend, get more involved with the worlds biggest information centre and learn. All this can be done in your own time not when others tell you.

Children have to make certain grades to qualify for a place into college/university. So this highlights the importance of further education to secure them a position to advance forward with their chosen career.

No knowledge No College

All stories you hear about the internet should not give you reason for concern because you the parent call the shots and have complete control of your child's presence when surfing the web. Let the internet teach your children the difference between right and wrongs of the world.

Happy Christmas

About The Author

Kacy Carr

Education is a lifeline to survive, parents don't live forever. Protect your kids now. Make it top priority to further their education. Proven results at this amazing site with kids best interest at heart

by: Kacy Carr

The CRM Will Give You the Customer Knowledge You Need

In today's competitive business environment, a successful Customer Relationship Management CRM strategy cannot be implemented by only installing and integrating a software package designed to support CRM processes.

Customer Relationship Management is designed to give you the knowledge you need to develop and implement smarter customer strategies and mainly maximize customer profitability.

Customer Relationship Management CRM initiatives are designed with the goal of meeting customer expectations and needs in order to achieve maximum customer lifetime value and return to the enterprise. The use of customer relationship management products, CRM software and CRM solutions will enhance the effective implementation of CRM in an organization.

The Return on investment ROI is the very elusive topic when it eats to CRM. It adds success can be found in changing how we look attn the questions and answers.

The benefits of Customer Relationship Management CRM are clear: by streamlining processes and providing sales, marketing, and service personnel with better, more complete customer information, CRM allows organizations to build more profitable customer relationships and decrease operating costs.

With a CRM customer service organizations can increase service-agent productivity and customer retention while decreasing service costs, response times, and request-resolution times.

Finally, the major, often-overlooked aspect of successful CRM is the need to integrate various islands of information.

Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.

About The Author

S. Maurer is a 53-years old college graduated IT professional, with 30 years of experience in the computer & technology business. Now is the Correspondence Courses Director of and

by: S. Maurer

If Knowledge is Power, Why Are Professors So Poor?

How many times have you heard the statement “knowledge is power”? How many times have you been told “you have to go to college to get a good job”? If that is the case, why aren’t the smartest people the richest or most powerful? Why don’t Mensa members fill all the highest slots in the government and run all the big companies? Why have some of the richest people in history been folks of moderate intelligence and sometimes much less than moderate education? Is the connection between knowledge and success just a bunch of hogwash?

In a word, NO, but unfortunately our teachers left something out.

Over and over we have heard statistics that college graduates earn X percent more money a year than non-college graduates. We have also been told repeatedly that if “you don’t have a good education, you’ll never get a good job and you’ll be a loser all your life”.

What most people have taken from that, is that if you get a great education and hold high degrees, you will automatically make much more money and be much more successful in life. Sound’s logical. But that’s WRONG. So what is the secret ingredient that makes all these confusing elements make sense?

The only successes in life are the people who have a focused objective and are willing to take action!

What does that mean for education? Simply that it is a tool you use on the way to your goal. With objective and action, you will get there faster with the right tools, the right sort of education (be it institutional or self-taught) that pertains to your objective. But if you don’t have an objective, or if you procrastinate and don’t take action, all the education in the world is no more useful than a shed full of expensive tools covered in dust. It’s not the tool the gets the job done, it’s the using it.

A person with moderate intelligence and no education can still succeed if they have the 2 key elements of objective and action. It will just take them longer and take more effort than if they also had the knowledge tool. But they would still succeed!

So what does that mean for us? Well it doesn’t mean abandon learning, but it does mean reprioritizing your efforts. If you spend all your day stocking your brain, but there is no focus to it, you are wasting your time. Stop and pour yourself a cup of tea and ask yourself what your objective is. What is your primary goal? Not just any old sounds-good-when-you-tell-your-spouse kind of goal, but the objective that stirs you inside and makes you sit on the edge of your chair in eagerness! If you don’t have one, than finding one needs to be at the TOP of your priority list, your most important activity, up there with eating and sleeping. You must find your passion!

Once you have your objective, then you need to figure out how to get there so you can start taking action TODAY. Don’t tell yourself “oh well, I’ll go get another degree or read 20 more books and call that taking action.” Most likely, it is just another form of procrastination! Figure out what steps you can do NOW, while you are learning whatever you need.

1. Have an objective, a clear targeted quantifiable laser beam objective!

2. Take action constantly toward your goal. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, don’t come up with reasons why you can’t. Find a way you can and do it NOW!

Once you have these two things engraved on your brain, guiding all your thoughts and influencing every action you take, then everything else will fall into place and you will be able to use the tools you have, see clearly what tools you need, and travel constantly forward toward success.

About The Author

Meredith Keeney is a motivational writer and publisher of The Right Path newsletter, a free bi-weekly ezine that helps you achieve your dreams. Check out!

by: Meredith Keeney

Fine Cooking And Developing A Knowledge Of Good Food

Cooking and everything food is fantastically popular at the moment. Even going back 10 to 15 years ago when men were being described as "new age men" only a very small proportion of the male population showed any real interest towards cooking a meal for their partner let alone holding a dinner party for friends and family. So what has created this change in the male population and why is cookery the new must have skill for the creative man about the house?

For long period of what is termed as modern society is was common place for the men of the home to do no cooking at all, indeed for many tears it was a standing joke that many married men could not boil an egg, they did not need to know how to as they had a wife to do it for them. As well as this the son's of the house always had their cooking done by their mother and then they would leave home to be looked after by their wife. So in reality it is not that surprising why men did not feel the urge to cook and provide for themselves.

All this very slowly started to change a few years ago when more and more male celebrity television chefs appearing on our screens and raising the popularity of cooking as a pastime. Male celebrity chefs have been on our television screens for many years but the new generation are more like the man the street and are people who the average guy can relate to, this was a big factor in popularising cookery for men. Cookery has become a topic of conversation for men in bars, bragging about how wonderful their sausages are or who bakes the best bread, it really has become that acceptable for men to cook. At last the male cookery talent has moved on simply from the barbecue, although even that can be a great source of conversation for many men. Men nowadays love to show off their knowledge of fungi, salami, exotic vegetables and weird and wonderful seafood,

One thing that has helped endear men to cookery is the amount of gadgets that there are available for the kitchen and everyone knows how much men love gadgets. Everything from designer food processors and blenders to sausage making machines have been given an overhaul in an attempt to make them more sexy, even things such as kitchen cutlery have been given a more masculine look to cater for the male market.

It really is a boom time for cookery with more money being spent on kitchens and kitchen related items and more time being spent in the kitchen by the whole family, both eating and entertaining. Cookery books and food gifts are also big business, with the growth of the internet it is now possible to purchase more and more exotic food gifts for people, things that you would not expect to find in your local shops, which all helps to keep the interest in cookery growing.

In the past when people visited a local restaurant for a fine meal they would come away thinking what a great meal they had eaten, now people come away wondering how the meal was made and whether they could replicate the same dish at home successfully. This is where the explosion in celebrity chef cookery books has come in, not only can you obtain the recipe for a meal cooked by a famous chef but you can now cook it in the same style.

So the future looks good for the cookery world with more and more people developing skills in the kitchen the whole thing can snowball and create a generation of master chefs, in theory.

For more info on all things food, cookery and gifts please visit our site -

Food Gifts

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Harwood E Woodpecker

Harwood E Woodpecker - EzineArticles Expert Author
By Harwood E Woodpecker

Holiday Stress Hotspots: Manage Stress with Knowledge

There are four main causes of holiday stress: gift giving obligations, expenses, a lack of time, and unrealistic expectations about creating a perfect holiday. To reduce holiday stress, arm yourself with knowledge. Know the ins and outs of these top four holiday stress hotspots and follow these effective stress-reducing tips:

Holiday Stress Hotspot #1: Gifts

* Make a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for.

* Look for gifts you can buy for multiple people. Similarly, look for stores where you can buy many gifts for a lot of people.

* Plan a few back-up gifts, generic gifts with blank cards for people you might forget or who unexpectedly give you a gift.

* Focus on the point of gift giving: showing your appreciation for someone. Enjoy the process of finding them something they'll like.

* If you don't like shopping, plan a single gift shopping day. Make this day sooner than later to avoid the holiday shopping craze.

* Or, don't go shopping. Thanks to the internet and catalogues, there is enough time to order gifts so you don't have to leave your house or office.

* Better yet, take off the whole month of December and go to the mountains where no one can call, email or page you.

Holiday Stress Hotspot #2: Holiday Expenses

* Set a budget, and stick to it. Don't buy gifts that you'll spend the rest of the year trying to pay off.

* Think of alternative ways to give gifts (set up a gift exchange, make some handmade gifts or foodstuffs).

* Choose inexpensive ways of entertaining and enjoying. Have a potluck party instead of providing all the food yourself.

* Do activities with family and friends that cost little or no money: go on walks, have a movie night instead of going to see the latest blockbuster together.

* Give the gift of a phone call or note. Let the people you care about know how important they are to you with words, not expensive gifts. Most people need this type of nourishment in general and may need it even more during the holidays. It may be the best gift they get.

Holiday Stress Hotspot #3: A Lack of Time

* Complete your gift shopping early. This will relieve you of one of the biggest time stresses during the holidays.

* Refuse Invitations. You don't have to go to every party you're invited to. If party going becomes a chore or exhausting, step back and slow down the pace.

* Take time for yourself. With so much emphasis on time with family and friends, many people feel guilty taking time for themselves. Take it. When you consciously plan to have alone time, it keeps you empowered and reduces possible feelings of melancholy during the holiday season. You will also be also be less overwhelmed by external stimuli.

* Share the tasks. Don't take on too much. View your to-do list as an opportunity to spend time with people.

* Share responsibilities and your tasks will take half as long and be more enjoyable.

Holiday Stress Hotspot #4: Anticipation and Expectations

* Be realistic. Just because it's the holidays, family issues will not suddenly disappear and everything will not be perfect.

* Adjust your expectations. Expect a few bumps in the road at family events and gatherings and you'll be better able to deal with them.

* Relish Traditions. Focus on those little traditions that make evoke positive memories for the holidays: songs, events, rituals, etc. Consider creating new traditions if older ones are marred with mixed memories.

About The Author

Simma Lieberman helps organizations create environments where people can do their best work and be successful. She specializes in Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity Dialogues, and Eliminating Fear and Self-doubt. Simma is the co-author with Kate Berardo and George Simons of the book "Putting Diversity to Work." She can be reached at

by: Simma Lieberman

Wealth Knowledge

What is wealth knowledge? It is knowing how money is made, and how wealth is protected. It isn't really a secret. In fact, there are hundreds of books out there that spell it all out for anyone willing to pay a little bit. The problem is that the essential truths are not popular with those who want to get rich easily.

Wealth Knowledge - Creation of Wealth

The first thing to understand if you want wealth knowledge, is that wealth is created. It isn't shuffled around from person to person depending upon who is "trickier." There is more wealth on the planet now than ever before, and more being created every day. No one has to get poorer for a man to become wealthy.

Start to recognize and understand the ways in which value is created. This is the basis of your own financial enrichment. You have to create something of value to others, and that is how you really make money. Any other way of making money is fragile, probably unethical, and likely temporary.

In the business of property "flipping," for example, it may appear that there is no value created. Buy a fixer-upper for $120,000, sell to another investor for $130,000 - where is the value you created? In the application of your knowledge of values, how to find properties, and how to structure deals. You put a neglected property into the hands of someone who will renovate it and make it a nice home for some family.

Think first of how you will give people what they need and want. In any business you'll make more money finding ways to solve other peoples problems than in finding ways to get paid. There are always enough ways to get paid if you create enough real value.

Wealth Knowledge - Habits of Wealth

A wealthy person is different from a poor person. No, he or she doesn't have different feelings, or even a superior character. What makes the wealthy different is what they consistently do. Wealth knowledge is in knowing what habits to cultivate.

Debt is a means to buy "toys" for most people. Put another TV on the credit card. It isn't that wealthy people avoid debt. They have much more usually. The difference is that they use debt to invest, to generate more wealth. The next time you borrow any money, do it to buy income producing real estate, or to start a business.

Wealth knowledge is about knowing what pays you the most for your time. Discover that, and do those things more. Make it a habit. Just spending two hours to re-arrange your banking, might make you hundreds more in interest over the years. Does your job pay you $100 per hour? Those you sell real estate know you can make several times as much for the same time selling $300,000 properties as selling $30,000 lots. Why not concentrate on working where the money is?

Everything gets easier as you do it more. There are tasks that you want to avoid, but are important to your financial future. It's tough to get motivated to do them. Get in the habit of starting each day with these most difficult tasks, though, and it gets easier. Of all the things you need to learn and do, developing good habits is the key to wealth knowledge.

About The Author

Steve Gillman has been hunting down obscure knowledge and useful secrets for years. Learn more and get a free gift at:

by: Steve Gillman

Knowledge Must Be Shared

I am pleased to issue the first-ever Surgeon General's Report on MentalHealth. In doing so, I am alerting the American people that mental illness is a critical public health problem that must be addressed immediately. As a society, we assign a high priority to disease prevention and health promotion; so, too, must we ensure that mental health and the prevention of mental disorders share that priority.

Mental illness is the second leading cause of disability in major market economies such as the United States, with mental disorders collectively accounting for more than 15% of all disabilities. Mental disorders--depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, depressive (bipolar) illness, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Alzheimer's disease, to name a few--are as disabling and serious as cancer and heart disease in terms of premature death and lost productivity.

Few Americans are untouched by mental illness, whether it occurs within one's family or among neighbors, co-workers or members of the community. In fact, in any one year, one in five Americans--including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly--experience a mental disorder. Unfortunately, over half of those with severe mental illness do not seek treatment. This is mostly due to some very real barriers to access, foremost among them the stigma that people attach to mental illness and the lack of parity between insurance coverage for mental health services and other health care services.

Over the past 2 5 years, there has been a scientific revolution in the fields of mental health and mental illness that has helped remove the stigma. The brain has emerged as the central focus for studies of mental health and mental illness, with emphasis on the activities that underlie our abilities to feel, learn, remember and, when brain activity goes awry, experience mental health problems or a mental illness. We now know that not only do the workings of the brain affect behavior, emotions and memory, but that experience, emotion and behavior also affect the workings of the brain.

As information about the brain accumulates, the challenge then becomes to apply this new knowledge to clinical practice.

Today, mental disorders can be correctly diagnosed and, for the most part, treated with medications or short-term psychotherapy, or with a combination of approaches. The single most explicit recommendation I make in my report is to seek help if you have a mental health problem or think you have symptoms of a mental disorder. It is my firm conviction that mental health is indispensable to personal well-being and balanced living. Overall quality of life is tremendously improved when a mental disorder is diagnosed early and treated appropriately.

My report presents an in-depth look at mental health services in the U.S. and at the scientific research that supports treatment interventions for people with mental disorders. Summarized briefly below, it attempts to describe trends in the mental health field; explore mental health across the human life span; examine the organization and financing of mental health services; and recommend courses of action to further improve the quality and availability of mental health services for all Americans. The report's conclusions are based on a review of more than 3,000 research articles and other materials, including first person accounts from people who have experienced mental disorders.

A Vision for the Future

I cannot emphasize enough the principal recommendation of my report: Seek help if you think you have a mental health problem or symptoms of a mental disorder. But because stigma and substantial gaps in the accessibility to state-of-the-art mental health services keep many from seeking help, I offer the nation the following additional recommendations, which are intended to overcome some of these barriers:

o Continue to Build the Science Base: As scientific progress propels us into the next century, there should be a special effort to address pronounced gaps in current knowledge, including the urgent need for research relating to mental health promotion and illness prevention.

o Overcome Stigma: An emerging consumer and family movement has, through vigorous advocacy, sought to overcome stigma and prevent discrimination against people with mental illness. Powerful and pervasive, stigma prevents people from acknowledging their mental health problems and disclosing them to others. To improve access to care, stigma must no longer be tolerated. Research and more effective treatments will help move this country toward care and support of the ill--and away from blame and stigma.

o Improve Public Awareness of Effective Treatments: Mental health treatments have improved by leaps and bounds over the past 25 years, but those treatments do no good unless people are aware they exist and seek them out. There are effective treatments for virtually every mental disorder. For more information on how to take advantage of them, call (877) 9MHEALTH.

o Ensure the Supply of Mental Health Services and Providers: Currently, there is a shortage of mental health professionals serving children and adolescents, elderly people with serious mental disorders and those who suffer from mental illness-related substance abuse. There is also a shortage of specialists with expertise in cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy--two forms of psychotherapy that have proven effective for many types of mental health problems.

o Ensure Delivery of State-of-the-Art Treatments: A wide variety of effective, community-based services--carefully refined through years of research--exist for even the most severe mental illnesses, but they are not yet widely available in community settings. We need to ensure that mental health services are as universally accessible as other health services in the continuously changing health care delivery system. We must speed the transfer of new information from the research setting into the service delivery setting.

o Tailor Treatment to Individuals, Acknowledging Age, Gender, Race and Culture: To be optimally effective, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness must be attentive to these factors.

Patients often prefer to be treated by mental health professionals who are of the same racial and ethnic background, a fact that underscores the need to wain more minorities in the mental health professions. Facilitate Entry into Treatment: Access to mental health services can be improved immediately if we enhance the abilities of primary care providers, public schools, the child welfare system and others to help people with mental health problems seek treatment. In addition, ensuring ready access to appropriate services for people with severe mental disorders promises to significantly reduce the need for involuntary care, which is sometimes required in order to prevent behavior that could be harmful to oneself or others.

o Reduce Financial Barriers to Treatment: Equality or parity between mental health coverage and other health coverage is an affordable and effective way to decrease the number of ill people who are not receiving proper treatment.

The U.S. system is extremely complex; it is a hybrid system that serves many people well, but often seems fragmented and inaccessible to those with the most extensive problems and fewest financial resources. Critical gaps exist between those who need services and those who receive them; only about 40% of those with severe disorders use any services at all.

Although research shows little direct evidence of problems with quality in mental health service programs, there are signs that programs could be better implemented, especially ones that serve children and people with serious impairment. While an array of quality monitoring and improvement methods have been developed, incentives to improve conditions lag behind incentives to reduce costs.

These inequities in insurance coverage for mental and physical health care have prompted 27 states to adopt legislation requiring parity, and compelled President Clinton to order the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program to provide parity for federal employees by the year 2001. Some localized attempts at creating parity so far have resulted in better mental health service access at negligible cost increases for managed care organizations.

Issues relating to mental health and mental illness have been overlooked or ignored in this country too often and for too long. While we cannot change the past, I am convinced that we can shape a better future.


Truth be told, we tend to consider mental illness in the abstract, as the misfortune of strangers. In these compelling portraits, however, photographer Marc Hauser reveals the individuality and humanity of sufferers of mental illness. They are cat owners and car lovers, uncles and neighbors. They are all clients of the Lockport Center for Behavioral Health in Will County, Illinois. A complete collection of their portraits, with text by Alisa Hauser, appears in Images From Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental Illness (High Tide Press, 1999).


I'd describe myself as a regular person .... Most of the time I like taking walks around my house. Before I was living in a group home out in the country and there weren't that many stores or streets to walk on. I like walking to 7-Eleven and Mr. D's fast food.


Sometimes I wake up so sick, but then I go to work and feel better. Being with animals makes me feel 100% better. Does that sound funny?

I love my boss. He's crazy. When he does surgery he dances, does the jitterbug. Sometimes I go into surgery with him to make sure all the animals are lying down straight and not awake. Mostly my responsibilities are taking care of the cages and general cleaning.

I've been with this program for four years. Since then I've gone back to school and gotten a job. I live in my own apartment, got two cats, and have a checking and savings account.


When I first came to the Pastimes Cafe & Antiques I told them that it reminds me of the coffee shops in Baltimore and Maryland. They laughed and we've been friends for two yearn. They know my name when I walk in. I used to know all their names but I only come every few weeks now and I can't remember. They make me feel comfortable, like I'm not bothering anybody.


I didn't know I was depressed until after college. I just thought everyone felt the same way I did. I had problems sleeping, feeling down, overwhelmed, worried and not happy. My graduation from DePaul University in 1983 was a good day. After college, I worked successfully as a nurse for 13 years. I felt like I could relate to the patients because I had been there myself.


My family at first didn't understand why I was so depressed. My dad kept asking me why couldn't I be happy?... I never thought I'd be able to work again because of my illness. I've had to quit other jobs in the past, but I don't want to quit cleaning the Boxy [a local movie theater]; I want to have an apartment someday and a job in the community. Both of these things would be special to me because it would mean I've come a long way.


I used to live in a house with my family, but I have a rare disorder that makes me think about the past. In 1992, I got this disorder and I couldn't drive my car anymore. I miss driving the most. My two big battles are smiling and taking my medications. Both of these are very hard.

About The Author

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show! THIS LINK WORKS, LISTEN TODAY!

With Much Love,
Arthur Buchanan
Out of Darkness & Into the Light
43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012
Huron Ohio, 44839
567-219-0994 (cell)

by: Arthur Buchanan

The Knowledge Of Forex Trading

I'm going to share with you the knowledge of forex trading, which should help you become a better and more successful trader. This is a tough business, but if you're willing to put in the time you can get good at it.

  • Trade With Everyone Else: I always thought the way to be successful is to go down the path the few take. For the most part that is true, but in this business, you should be trading with everyone else. The reason is simple, when everyone is trading, there is such a high volume that currency sticks to analysis and patterns. If you take a time when few are trading, big banks will come in and make big trades causing currency to go in a completely opposite direction. This isn't a time you want to be trading.
  • Verify The News: Never go out and make a trade without first checking the news. It's important because the news has an effect on currency and you can't escape that. For the most part economic news comes out in the morning. It's just scheduled information and it rarely is ever "breaking" news. So you're not actually obligated to be checking the news constantly, but you should definitely of hear the economic news of the morning and at least have an idea what is going on with the breaking news.
  • Good Profit Margins: You got to have a decent profit margin to really get an understanding if you're doing good. Typically, your broker is going to take 1% of your trades and if you're only making 2% profit on your initial investment than you're losing 50% of it. That's not good. You need a decent amount of a margin, so you're at least making something that the broker isn't taking most of it.

I'm currently giving a 7 day free forex training course. Newbies and experienced are all welcome. If you're interested in participating, check out the Casual Forex Trader.

Stock Market - Do You Have The Base Knowledge Necessary To Invest?

Do you have the base of knowledge you need for the investments you've chosen?

Before you begin trading, you must have the basic knowledge of the types of investments you have opted to trade. The stock market overall has a language that is foreign to those of us who are not familiar with the everyday jargon.

Be sure you have a solid understanding of the instruments that you will be trading and that you take advantage of reading our 'client education' series where you will find topics such as:

What is an Option?

An option is a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date. An option, just like a stock or bond, is a security. It is also a binding contract with strictly defined terms and properties.

How are Options used within the Stock Market?

When you buy an option, you have a right but not an obligation to do something. You can always let the expiration date go by, at which point the option becomes worthless. If this happens, you lose 100% of your investment, which is the money you used to pay for the option. Second, an option is merely a contract that deals with an underlying asset. For this reason, options are called derivatives, which means an option derives its value from something else.

Stock Vs Options

Many traders think of a position in stock options as a stock substitute that has a higher leverage and less required capital. After all, options can be used to bet on the direction of the stock price, just like the stock itself. But options have very different characteristics than stocks, and there is also a lot of terminology the beginning option trader must learn.

Call Options

A call gives the holder the right to buy an asset at a certain price within a specific period of time. Calls are similar to having a long position on a stock. Buyers of calls hope that the stock will increase substantially before the option expires.

Put Options

A put gives the holder the right to sell an asset at a certain price within a specific period of time. Puts are very similar to having a short position on a stock. Buyers of puts hope that the price of the stock will fall before the option expires.

What are Candlesticks?

Defining Put Options

The above excerpts were pulled from investopedia

As we progress we will discuss things as annuities, bonds, bear markets, bull markets, etc... In the meantime, you should feel free to review this material: - Securities & Exchange Commission Investor Information
The SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy provides a variety of services to address the problems and questions you may face as an investor - Chicago Board of Options Exchange Investor Information
The Definitive Source for Options Trading Information™ - NASDAQ Investor Information
NASDAQ is the primary market for trading NASDAQ-listed stocks

The better informed you are as an investor; the more likely you will be to structure your trade plan in the way that is most beneficial to you. If you have specific questions we are here to help you develop your plan and work with you to ensure its success.

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Michael Glass - EzineArticles Expert Author
By Michael Glass

A Quiz: Test Your Internet Marketing Knowledge

Question - If I need to target a specific region, is it helpful to have a domain from that country?

Answer - Yes. Both hosting location and domain extension matter and can influence search engine ranking in regional search engines. If you are attempting to target a specific country, you could very well benefit from purchasing a domain with that countries extension and hosting the website on a server that is located in that country. The larger country specific search engines, generally rank local domains higher in the search results.

Question - What is the difference between Google's aging delay and the so called sandbox?

Answer - Great questions. The aging delay is often labeled and assumed to be the same as Google's famous sandbox (that may or may not exist). The Google aging delay is not a penalty, it is merely a filter. Google does not feel new websites are necessarily "trustworthy" so while they acknowledge that the new websites exist they don't generally include them in their search index results. They continue to monitor the new websites over time, paying particular attention to who and how many websites are linking to the new site. Gradually, as the site matures and gains a reasonable amount of links over time, Google will include the site as part of its search results. The sandbox refers to websites that are usually removed from the search index results. The removal is typically a penalty for what Google views as poor behavior as it relates to search engine optimization, spam, or web content.

Question - What does the Can-Spam Act actually mean?

Answer - CAN-SPAM is an acronym for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, came into effect in the United States as law on January 1, 2004. It establishes requirements for those who send commercial email,and spells out penalties for individuals and companies that choose to violate the law. The primary purpose of the act is to restrict the advertising or promoting of a commercial product or service (including content or a website) by defining guidelines.

Besides spelling out the penalties, the CAN-SPAM Act prohibits false or misleading header information. This means that you cannot "spoof" the 'to', 'from' or routing information, the sender must be accurately reflected.

The CAN-SPAM act also prohibits deceptive subject lines. In other words, the subject must relate to the actual message contents. Email recipients must be provided a method to opt-out of any future email. The opt-out requests must be complied within 10 days. The final large contingent that is stipulated by the CAN-SPAM act is that commercial emails must be identified as advertisements and must include the senders valid postal address.

Question - What is a sticky website and how do I make my website 'sticky'?

Answer - A sticky website refers to a website that attracts and retains customers. The best way to create a website that will be continually visited and returned to is by producing and creating new content. Give your website's visitors a reason to come back. Another component to stickiness is a good communication channel. This might mean providing the content via RSS, so visitors are immediately aware of any new information available. It might also mean an opt-in newsletter that is sent on a regularly scheduled basis.

Question - What is the Long Tail, and how do I get one?

Answer - The Long Tail pertains to a relatively simple concept, that capturing all of the the small volume, and will result in a collectively large volume. With regards to the keyword long tail, the idea is that there are only a few words or phrases that receive a large number of searchers, but there are a huge number of obscure phrases or keywords that receive a small number of searches each month. By capturing top ranking for all of the less popular terms you could in effect receive more traffic than you would if you had top ranking for the popular terms.

Capturing the keyword long tail, is very difficult. It requires massive amounts of unique content. Webmasters have generally found the easiest way to generate unique copy is through user-generated content (ie. forums, blog comments, or user reviews).

Question - What is deep linking? And How do I deep link my website?

Answer - Deep linking refers to links to all levels of a particular website. A website that has an extensive network of quality deep links, shows true value. By having incoming links to multiple webpages at all directory levels, the website is perceived as content rich by search engines. A website that only receives incoming links to the "front page" will not fair as well in search engines because the assumption is that it is not a content rich website.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Housley

About The Author

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.

by: Sharon Housley